Texas Government 2306 Final Exam

Prepare for success in your Texas Government 2306 Final Exam with this comprehensive guide. Dive into the intricacies of the Lone Star State’s political landscape, economic policies, and social issues, and emerge with a thorough understanding of its governance.

This guide covers a wide range of topics, from the structure and powers of government to the challenges facing the state’s education system. With clear explanations and engaging examples, you’ll gain a solid foundation in Texas government and be well-equipped to ace your final exam.

Government Structure and Powers

The government of Texas is a complex system of checks and balances designed to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful. The three branches of government in Texas are the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Legislative Branch

The legislative branch is responsible for making laws. It is composed of the Texas Legislature, which is a bicameral body consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has 31 members, while the House of Representatives has 150 members.

The Legislature meets in regular session every two years for a period of 140 days.

Executive Branch

The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the laws. It is headed by the Governor, who is elected to a four-year term. The Governor appoints the heads of the various state agencies and departments. The executive branch also includes the Lieutenant Governor, the Attorney General, the Comptroller of Public Accounts, and the Commissioner of the General Land Office.

Judicial Branch

The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the laws. It is composed of the Texas Supreme Court, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the Texas Courts of Appeals, and the trial courts. The Texas Supreme Court is the highest court in the state.

It has nine justices who are elected to six-year terms.

Interaction of the Branches

The three branches of government in Texas interact in a variety of ways. The Legislature passes laws, the executive branch enforces the laws, and the judicial branch interprets the laws. The Governor can veto laws passed by the Legislature, but the Legislature can override the veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses.

The courts can declare laws unconstitutional, and the Governor can grant pardons to people who have been convicted of crimes.

Political Landscape

Texas’s political climate is characterized by a strong Republican presence and a relatively weak Democratic presence. The Republican Party dominates both chambers of the state legislature and holds all statewide elected offices. Democrats have made some gains in recent years, but they still hold a minority of seats in the legislature and have not won a statewide election since 1994.The

Republican Party in Texas is generally considered to be conservative, while the Democratic Party is considered to be more moderate. The Republican platform emphasizes limited government, low taxes, and individual liberty. The Democratic platform emphasizes social justice, economic equality, and environmental protection.Special

interest groups play a significant role in Texas politics. These groups represent a variety of interests, including business, labor, education, and healthcare. They lobby elected officials and contribute to political campaigns in an effort to influence policy decisions.

Major Political Parties

The two major political parties in Texas are the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.

  • *The Republican Party is the dominant party in Texas. It is generally considered to be conservative, and its platform emphasizes limited government, low taxes, and individual liberty.
  • *The Democratic Party is the minority party in Texas. It is generally considered to be more moderate, and its platform emphasizes social justice, economic equality, and environmental protection.

Role of Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups play a significant role in Texas politics. These groups represent a variety of interests, including business, labor, education, and healthcare. They lobby elected officials and contribute to political campaigns in an effort to influence policy decisions.Some of the most powerful special interest groups in Texas include the Texas Association of Business, the Texas AFL-CIO, the Texas Education Association, and the Texas Medical Association.

These groups have a great deal of influence over the political process in Texas, and they often play a key role in shaping policy decisions.

Economic Policies

Texas’s economic policies are primarily focused on fostering economic growth and job creation. The state has a business-friendly environment, with low taxes, minimal regulations, and a skilled workforce. These policies have helped to attract businesses to Texas, leading to a strong economy and a high standard of living.

Key Economic Policies

  • Low taxes: Texas has one of the lowest tax burdens in the United States. The state has no personal income tax, and its sales tax rate is relatively low.
  • Minimal regulations: Texas has a deregulated economy, with few regulations on businesses. This makes it easier for businesses to operate and grow.
  • Skilled workforce: Texas has a highly skilled workforce, thanks to its strong education system and its commitment to workforce development.

Impact on the State’s Economy

Texas’s economic policies have had a positive impact on the state’s economy. The state has experienced strong economic growth in recent years, and it has consistently ranked among the top states in the United States for job creation.

Successful Economic Policies

Some of Texas’s most successful economic policies include:

  • The Texas Enterprise Fund: This fund provides grants to businesses that create jobs in Texas.
  • The Texas Workforce Commission: This agency provides job training and placement services to help Texans find work.
  • The Texas Education Agency: This agency oversees the state’s public education system, which provides a highly skilled workforce for Texas businesses.

Unsuccessful Economic Policies

Not all of Texas’s economic policies have been successful. Some of the state’s most unsuccessful economic policies include:

  • The Texas Economic Development Fund: This fund was intended to provide grants to businesses that create jobs in Texas, but it was plagued by corruption and waste.
  • The Texas Water Development Board: This agency was created to provide water to Texas businesses and residents, but it has been criticized for its high costs and its lack of transparency.
  • The Texas Railroad Commission: This agency is responsible for regulating the oil and gas industry in Texas, but it has been criticized for being too close to the industry it regulates.

Social Issues

Texas faces various social issues, including healthcare, education, and criminal justice. The government plays a crucial role in addressing these issues by implementing policies and programs.


Texas has a high uninsured rate, particularly among low-income and minority populations. The government has expanded Medicaid eligibility, provided subsidies for health insurance, and implemented programs to improve access to healthcare.


Texas faces challenges in improving educational outcomes for all students, particularly in low-income and minority communities. The government has invested in early childhood education, increased funding for public schools, and implemented accountability measures.

Criminal Justice

Texas has a high incarceration rate, particularly among African Americans and Latinos. The government has implemented criminal justice reforms, such as reducing mandatory minimum sentences, expanding parole eligibility, and providing funding for community-based programs.

Environmental Regulations

Texas has a comprehensive set of environmental regulations aimed at protecting the state’s air, water, and land resources. These regulations are enforced by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).The TCEQ is responsible for issuing permits for air emissions, water discharges, and waste disposal.

It also conducts inspections to ensure that businesses are complying with environmental regulations. The TCEQ has the authority to issue fines and other penalties for violations of environmental regulations.

Impact of Environmental Regulations on Texas’ Environment

Environmental regulations have had a significant impact on the state’s environment. Air quality has improved in recent years, and the state’s water resources are now cleaner than they were in the past. However, environmental challenges remain, such as air pollution in urban areas and water pollution from agricultural runoff.

Examples of Government Enforcement of Environmental Regulations

The TCEQ has taken a number of actions to enforce environmental regulations in Texas. In recent years, the TCEQ has:

  • Issued fines to businesses for violating air pollution regulations.
  • Required businesses to install pollution control equipment.
  • Shut down businesses for violating environmental regulations.

Education System

Texas has a comprehensive education system that spans from early childhood education to higher education. The system is overseen by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and is divided into several levels:

  • Early Childhood Education: This level includes pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs that provide a foundation for future learning.
  • Elementary Education: This level spans grades 1-5 and focuses on developing foundational skills in reading, writing, math, and science.
  • Middle School Education: This level includes grades 6-8 and provides a bridge between elementary and high school, offering a wider range of subjects and extracurricular activities.
  • High School Education: This level spans grades 9-12 and prepares students for college or the workforce. Students can choose from a variety of academic and vocational programs.
  • Higher Education: This level includes community colleges, universities, and graduate schools that offer a wide range of academic programs leading to degrees, certifications, and licenses.

Challenges Facing the Education System

The Texas education system faces several challenges, including:

  • Funding: The state’s education system is primarily funded through property taxes, which can lead to disparities in funding between districts.
  • Teacher Shortages: Texas faces a shortage of qualified teachers, especially in rural areas and in high-needs subjects such as math and science.
  • Student Achievement: While Texas students have made progress in recent years, there are still significant achievement gaps between different student populations.
  • School Safety: School safety has become a major concern in recent years, and Texas has taken steps to increase security measures in schools.

Innovative Educational Programs

Texas has implemented a number of innovative educational programs to address these challenges, including:

  • Early Childhood Education: The state has expanded access to pre-kindergarten and kindergarten programs, which have been shown to improve student outcomes.
  • Teacher Development: Texas has invested in teacher development programs to improve the quality of instruction in classrooms.
  • Dual Credit Programs: These programs allow high school students to earn college credit while still in high school.
  • Career and Technical Education: Texas has expanded career and technical education programs to prepare students for the workforce.
  • School Choice: Texas has implemented a number of school choice programs, including charter schools and vouchers, to give parents more options for their children’s education.

Healthcare System

Texas has a complex healthcare system that is a mix of public and private programs. The state has a large uninsured population, and access to affordable healthcare remains a challenge for many Texans.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is the state agency responsible for administering Medicaid and CHIP, the state’s health insurance programs for low-income residents. HHSC also oversees the state’s public health programs, including those for maternal and child health, immunizations, and disease prevention.


The Texas healthcare system faces a number of challenges, including:

  • High rates of uninsured Texans
  • Lack of access to affordable healthcare
  • Shortage of healthcare providers in rural areas
  • Rising healthcare costs

Successful Initiatives

Despite these challenges, there have been a number of successful healthcare initiatives in Texas.

  • The Texas Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has provided health insurance to over 1 million children since its inception in 1997.
  • The Texas Health Steps program provides comprehensive health coverage to children and pregnant women.
  • The Texas Cancer Prevention and Research Institute has funded research that has led to new treatments for cancer.


Texas boasts a vast and complex infrastructure network that supports its thriving economy and large population. This infrastructure includes roads, bridges, railways, ports, airports, energy facilities, water systems, and telecommunications systems.

However, the state’s infrastructure faces several challenges, including:

  • Aging Infrastructure:Many roads, bridges, and other infrastructure components are aging and require significant maintenance and upgrades.
  • Rapid Population Growth:Texas’s rapidly growing population puts a strain on existing infrastructure, particularly in urban areas.
  • Natural Disasters:Texas is prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes, which can damage infrastructure.
  • Funding Constraints:Maintaining and upgrading infrastructure requires significant funding, which can be a challenge for the state.

Despite these challenges, Texas has undertaken numerous infrastructure projects to address these issues. Some notable examples include:

  • Texas Mobility Fund:A $7 billion fund dedicated to improving transportation infrastructure.
  • State Highway 130:A major toll road that connects Austin to San Antonio.
  • Denton County Airport:A new airport serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
  • Corpus Christi Ship Channel:A major port that is undergoing expansion.

Public Safety: Texas Government 2306 Final Exam

Texas has a comprehensive public safety system that encompasses law enforcement, emergency services, and disaster preparedness. The system is designed to protect the lives and property of Texans and respond effectively to emergencies.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement in Texas is primarily the responsibility of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and local police departments. DPS is responsible for statewide law enforcement, including highway patrol, criminal investigations, and narcotics enforcement. Local police departments are responsible for law enforcement within their respective jurisdictions.

Emergency Services

Emergency services in Texas are provided by a network of fire departments, emergency medical services (EMS), and search and rescue teams. Fire departments are responsible for fighting fires, providing medical assistance, and conducting rescues. EMS provides medical care and transportation to the sick and injured.

Search and rescue teams are responsible for locating and rescuing people who are lost or trapped in emergencies.

Disaster Preparedness

Texas is prone to a variety of natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. The state has a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan in place to coordinate the response to these events. The plan includes measures for evacuation, shelter, and recovery.

Challenges Facing the Public Safety System

The public safety system in Texas faces a number of challenges, including:

  • Increased crime rates:Texas has one of the highest crime rates in the nation.
  • Drug trafficking:Texas is a major transit route for illegal drugs, which contributes to crime and violence.
  • Natural disasters:Texas is prone to a variety of natural disasters, which can overwhelm the public safety system.
  • Funding:The public safety system in Texas is underfunded, which can limit its ability to respond to emergencies and prevent crime.

Successful Public Safety Initiatives

Despite the challenges, the public safety system in Texas has implemented a number of successful initiatives, including:

  • Community policing:Many police departments in Texas have adopted community policing strategies, which involve building relationships with the communities they serve.
  • Crime prevention programs:The state has implemented a number of crime prevention programs, such as the Safe Schools Initiative and the Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT) program.
  • Disaster preparedness planning:The state has developed a comprehensive disaster preparedness plan that coordinates the response to natural disasters.

Future Challenges

The Texas government faces several significant challenges in the coming years, including population growth, economic diversification, environmental protection, and infrastructure development. The government is taking steps to address these challenges, but it will need to continue to work closely with stakeholders to develop and implement effective solutions.

Population Growth

Texas is one of the fastest-growing states in the country, and this growth is expected to continue in the coming years. This growth is putting a strain on the state’s infrastructure, schools, and other public services. The government is working to address this challenge by investing in infrastructure and education, and by working to attract new businesses to the state.

Economic Diversification

Texas’s economy is heavily dependent on the oil and gas industry. This makes the state vulnerable to fluctuations in the price of oil and gas. The government is working to diversify the state’s economy by attracting new businesses to the state and by investing in education and workforce development.

Environmental Protection, Texas government 2306 final exam

Texas is home to a diverse range of ecosystems, but these ecosystems are threatened by pollution, climate change, and other environmental challenges. The government is working to protect the state’s environment by investing in renewable energy, reducing pollution, and conserving water.

Infrastructure Development

Texas’s infrastructure is aging and needs to be updated. The government is working to invest in infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and schools. The government is also working to develop new technologies to improve the efficiency of the state’s infrastructure.


What are the three branches of government in Texas?

The three branches of government in Texas are the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch.

What is the role of special interest groups in Texas politics?

Special interest groups play a significant role in Texas politics by advocating for specific policies and candidates that align with their interests.

What are some of the major challenges facing the Texas education system?

The Texas education system faces challenges such as funding disparities, teacher shortages, and the need for educational equity.